1:1 Life Roadmapping

Established in Your Dreams
Based in the Real World
You’re not delusional. You're leveling up.
For those in a state of transition and want hands-on support along the way.
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↳ What

Weekly coaching sessions designed to shed light on your aspirations and chart a clear path toward living them out.

We’ll explore what areas of your life are naturally pulling you and what areas are in stagnation – because when one area is out of whack the others will be out of equilibrium too.

Think of this as helping bridge the gap between your aspirational and your practiced values in your panoramic picture of existence.
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↳ For You If

Are you feeling...
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Tired of your current situation?

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Aware that you need to make a change but don’t know where to begin?

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Trapped in your job, city, relationship…life?

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Bored of your current reality?

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Far away from your passions?

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Scared sh*tless about what’s next?

↳ Why

Alchemy, change, metamorphosis – whatever you want to call it – it’s not always easy. 

But it definitely becomes easier when you have someone helping you connect the dots of your life to make an actionable plan forward.   
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↳ Love for a.the.ory

Baze Mpinja
Writer, Editor, & Brand Consultant - Sports & Beauty
"When I started working with Amber, I was frustrated, overwhelmed, and tired of feeling stagnant. My first session with her felt like an hour-long exhale. Her soothing presence and ability to quickly identify mental and emotional blockers made me feel so understood and supported. Working with her has helped me unlock a new level of focus.

I’m learning how to get out of my own way and I’ve become more disciplined with my creative work. I wouldn’t have been able to make this kind of progress without her."
Olivia Pfender
Partnerships Coordinator - Healthcare
Working with Amber has allowed me to rediscover several dormant bits of myself that I had nearly forgotten were there - for better or worse. She shows up seeking collaboration and partnership, thoughtfully reframing anxieties into opportunities and providing tangible solutions to invisible conflicts.

Our discussions around the entanglement between femininity & masculinity, impulsivity & discernment, and surrender and resilience have fundamentally shifted how I approach friction in both my personal and professional life. The impact that our work together has had on me is difficult to overstate.

↳ Here to Support Ya

Hi, I'm Amber.
I’m a human-obsessed life and creative strategist, passionate about helping individuals match their gifts with the world’s needs. 

With a previous background in creative strategy ranging from bringing startups to acquisition to guiding experience for Fortune500 impact-initiatives, I realized one thing about supply and demand:

It all begins with human wisdom. 

I tested this on an individual level with myself as I wrote my own story. Dropping out of college, becoming a founding team member, managing multi-million dollar budgets, traveling the world while doing it. 

Turns out the wisdom thing works. My hope is to help you write a tale you’re happy with as well. Consider me your agent. :P kiss kiss.